Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thanksgiving W/ Dad's Side: Non-Dessert Foods

Yeah...FINALLY I post about Thanksgiving. I've only put up pictures of the my dad's side's sweet potato thing and the cracked black pepper crackers.

My uncle & aunt are foodies too (but they have more style & class and skills than I do!). These are cucumber and crackers topped with either a crab or egg mixture (the orange stuff = masago = fish eggs):

Their salmon appetizer:

Of course--the TURKEY!

My aunt's AMAZING stuffing (seriously! I could eat this just by itself as a meal):

Cheesy mushroom spinach thing (yum):

Mah-ham! Alyssa N. & Kelly D. used to say that at church camp...and I still don't really know what it means, but when I was thinking of what to say about this ham, that came to mind.

Butternut squash soup (my aunt & uncle also made this...I've noticed a lot of food bloggers blogging about butternut squash lately; I guess it's the cool thing right now?):

Yummm!! I wish I had a breakdown of who brought what here. mom made the salad (like the huge chunk of lettuce? lol):

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