Monday, September 5, 2011

A 50/50 Bar (Creamsicle) - Two Ways!

Way #1:

I loooove smoothies, milkshakes, icies (is that the plural form of "icy/icee?" icees?), shaved ice, snow cones, etc. I also love the orange & cream combination. This is just 100% orange juice + ice cream + ice blended together and topped with Breyer's Creamy Vanilla ice cream. So easy and wonderful. After I made this I broke the wine glass. :(

* Note: Jamba Juice sells the Orange Dream Machine, which is basically a 50/50 bar in smoothie form. SO WONDERFUL!
Way #2:

The orange ones are delicious, but I still am on the hunt for the original 50/50 bar...or at least some kind that's similar to the first 50/50 bar I had back in daycare. It had a clear wrapping with dark blue letters, and the orange shell was harder and icy rather than creamy like this one is. My dad said the first one he saw was in wax paper or something. Anyway, these are good but just aren't the same.

The raspberry one:

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