Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Spice Latte & PSL Frappucino @ Starbucks

First, the classic Pumpkin Spice Latte. I used to dislike it because my first one was too sweet and did not taste like pumpkin, but that was years ago, and the last couple of PSLs have been great! So warm and comforting. Perfect for the fall but amazing anytime. Got this one with Lisa (you can see her foot under the table...haha):

This doesn't look so great if you don't know what it is, but it really is delicious.

And now the Frappuccino version (I asked if they could make a cold version of the latte, and the employee said that they could make it an iced drink or a blended one, so I got the blended one). I just LOVE their whipped cream. Even the lower fat whipped cream (pictured below) is yummy. I didn't think this tasted much like pumpkin though.


  1. I think you should try this, then :)

    (I haven't tried it, though, since I don't really like pumpkin stuff)


  2. ooh! i gotta try that! i bookmarked a non-coffee pumpkin "latte" recipe too! thanks :) whaaat not a pumpkin fan? hehe
