Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Silly Cake Pops (Including Response to Intervention Triangles)

Response to Intervention cake pop.
Basically, some of my classmates/friends and I made a bunch of very random cake pops for our brown bag lunch, which is one component of our grad program in which we meet together to listen to someone present on a research topic or project. It's the same thing as colloquium.

What's funny is that this whole cake pop project came about because Jason said something on Facebook about how cake pops are dumb or something (I don't even remember), and then Erin's sister (recent graduate from our program) suggested that we make cake pops for our next brown bag, so we did! Turns out Jason loooves cake pops. Heh heh. Aand we decided to make the cake pops relevant to our program by making RtI-themed cake pops.

So how do you make these? I highly recommend watching Bakerella's step-by-step video. You can also use this process to make brownie pops, which don't even require frosting (Grace and I made them here). Anyway, see below for random craziness.
We made 2 kinds of cake pops:
(1) white cake + cream cheese frosting (candy melts on the outside)
(2) Red velvet cake + cream cheese frosting (melted chocolate chips on the outside)

Not a fan of the taste of these melts (too white chocolate-y),
but they make cake pops so easy!
We also used a darker green for most of the pops

Loren's Spongebob Squarepants & Pineapple Pops

Yeah...that is the chef from Sesame Street with a marshmallow hat. lol

An RtI pyramid (so nerdy!)

RtI Pops! The nerdiness continues....

Inside the red velvet cake pop

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