Sunday, July 22, 2012

Chocolate Meringue Kisses

I didn't make mine as perfect as the ones here where I got the recipe, but they still look like kisses!

Looks like an upside-down owl! This is what the meringue looks like before baking & pre-chocolate.
The inside is supposed to have that soft, melt-away texture, but I completely skipped the last step (leaving them in the oven for 15 min after the heat was off, so instead they taste & feel like a Tootsie Roll on the inside
when they get wet in your mouth. Oops!

RECIPE (reworded from MyRecipes)

4 large egg whites, at room temperature 

1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar 
1/2 cup sugar 
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar 
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa

1) Preheat oven to 225°F
2) Line 2 large rimmed cookie sheets with parchment paper
Place egg whites in a clean dry bowl & beat with an electric mixer on medium-high speed until foamy
4) Add cream of tartar, increase speed to high, & whip until mixture forms soft peaks
5) Gradually add granulated sugar & continue beating until whites are stiff and shiny
In a separate bowl, sift confectioners' sugar with cocoa to blend
7) Working in thirds, sprinkle cocoa mixture over egg whites & gently fold in until thoroughly incorporated
8) Transfer to a large ziplock bag
9) Seal bag (pinch out excess air)
10) Cut off a small corner of bag
11) Pipe out meringues through hole onto cookie sheets, forming small "kisses," about 2 inches in diameter
12) Bake for 1 hour, until meringues are firm & dry
13) Turn oven off & let meringues sit in oven for 15 minutes * THIS IS THE PART I SKILLED!! *
Let meringues cool on sheets on wire racks
15) Carefully peel kisses off parchment paper. Store @ room temperature in an airtight container.

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