A few weeks ago, on Friday, 10/29/10, my dear friend from my undergrad years at Cal, Steve, invited me to his house because he and his girlfriend, Rosemary, were visiting his home, which happens to be about half an hour away from where I currently live and just five minutes from where I go sometimes for school (for practicum). Do I want to eat delicious homemade food and spend some time with some of the nicest, most interesting people I've ever met? OF COURSE! You know me...great people + great food = FUN times. Thank you, thank you, Steve, Rosemary, and Mama & Papa Harrell. :)
Mama Harrell served some homemade hot cider. It smelled heavenly, and there were real cinnamon sticks in the cider! How can you beat that?
Even my water was fancied up! My cider is next to it.
Healthy-ish waffle (made of whole wheat flour or something) and raspberry/orange cream cheese-stuffed French toast (the bread was made of flax seed, which made this more healthy) made by Mama Harrell (amazing!!! soooo delicious). Papa Harrell helped too!
Fresh fruit salad, consisting of mostly (if not all) fresh fruit (the raspberries had JUST been picked) from farmers or neighbors down the street. Pretty awesome!
Our dessert that night after a delicious feast of German beef, vegetables, rice, and mashed potatoes (Sorry..no pics of dinner) = Crepes with fresh raspberries and whipped cream:
My only complaint about breakfast was that I had to rush off soon after we had finished because I had class/a research team meeting that day back on campus, so I went to that and then went back to Steve's for dinner, DOMINOES, crepes, and good conversation. :D What a day!