Mom gave me these yesterday. I used to make these with my mom's biological mom. I think this is the one thing that stands out in all of my childhood memories of her (she's still alive; I just don't see her that often). I believe I developed a love for just plain butter + sugar together while making these with my grandma. Haha! Today I still sneak a piece of butter covered in sugar whenever I bake (my hands are clean, and I don't contaminate the ingredients at all).
Anyways, Kurtis said these were like spice cookies (whatever that means...I rarely eat spice cookies...). I can't really taste the persimmon, but these have a muffin top texture. I actually just realized yesterday that muffin top cookies aren't as good as you'd expect them to be. Maybe it's because actual muffin tops are always so ... perfect...but then when you just have the muffin tops, they're too much like cookies, and since your cookie schema interferes with your cookie schema, your mind gets confused and thinks the muffin-like cookie is weird. I don't even know if that makes sense, but I'm too lazy to reword that. I'll just say that a muffin top cookie isn't as fun as an actual muffin top because you can't bite it off of something. I dunno. It's just weird. It's interesting too...because you'd think muffin top = muffin top cookie. Actually, you'd think the muffin top cookie would be even better because you'd have the hard bottom part as a bonus. I really need to stop avoiding my paper.
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